California Lemon Law Information

The Repair Order Invoice

The Repair Order Invoicedon’t leave the dealership without one.

When you return to the dealership to pick up your vehicle after warranty repairs are completed, the single most important document for your file is the Repair Order Invoice.  This is the copy that shows not only your complaint, but also what the dealer DID relative to your complaint. This is the legal document your attorney uses in the California Lemon Law claim process to prove the details and verification of your repair visit(s).

Review this document before signing it or taking your vehicle!  If the dealer says “we will mail it to you” or “we aren’t done closing it out yet”, then you should consider simply and politely saying “I’ll wait”.  If you leave without it, you may never get one, and this is your only record of the completed warranty  repair visit!  Be extra aware of this on the 3rd or 4threpair visit for the same complaint.Our California Lemon Law predicates itself on “repair attempts”. Each invoice generated is legally admissible as a “repair attempt” under our California Lemon Law if the repair takes place at a factory authorized dealer in the state of California.

(Your vehicle is a 2020 - 2026 only, purchased or leased BRAND NEW from a dealership in California.) No vehicles purchased used.
